A smile is universal

I have tried to write this blog post multiple times since coming back from the DR. I am nowhere near a procrastinator, I simply can’t get myself to gather all of my thoughts and emotions that I experienced over our weeklong journey.

Driving up to Batey 50 for the first time all the class readings, class discussions, videos, etc that we used to prepare for our trip flashed before my eyes and I knew this was about to be the experience of a lifetime. I walked off the bus with 30 of my other classmates and before taking that last step off the bus I had a young girl grab my hand and hug me. I was so shocked that it happened so quickly; all I did was smile at this girl and we became instant friends. Despite our language barrier we danced for almost a half hour where I would spin her around and then she would spin me around, you would have thought we had been friends forever.

10931631_10204461295467014_3914696930705877232_oAs the days went on at the Batey I saw things one would never see in the United States. A river where those living in the Batey washed there clothes but also went to the bathroom. Houses made of scraps of metal that leaked if it rained. Children taking care of even younger children while their fathers and brothers were out cutting sugar cane for some of the wealthiest companies in the world. But what shocked me the most was the smiles and charisma these children had. If I had met them outside of their Batey I would think they were some of the richest and happiest people in the entire world. Their faces showed hope and that is what kept me going when I was tired and hot and wanted to take a break from working. The happiness and hope we were bringing to these children and all of Batey 50 made it worthwhile.

I can write on and on about the horrific conditions and unjust lives these people live but no one will truly understand it until you go and experience it first hand. Go to the DR, go to Haiti, go to Africa, go anywhere where you can help others it will truly change your life.

#BeTheGood IMG_5293

~Paulina Dudojc

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